User manual Nikon F-301 (32 pages) (2024)


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User manual Nikon F-301 (32 pages) (1)

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User manual Nikon F-301 (32 pages) (2)

Nikon F-301 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Nikon F-301.

The Nikon F-301 is a popular 35mm film camera that was manufactured from 1985 to 1989. It features a compact and lightweight body design, making it easy to handle and carry around. The camera includes manual, aperture-priority, and program exposure modes, offering a range of options for photographers to choose from.The Nikon F-301 is equipped with a Nikon F lens mount, allowing users to attach a variety of lenses to the camera. It also has a bright and clear viewfinder, making it easy to see the scene and set the desired focus. The camera's shutter speed ranges from 1/2000th to 1 second, providing flexibility in capturing fast-moving subjects or achieving a desired depth of field.Other features of the Nikon F-301 include a built-in motor drive, which allows for continuous shooting at up to 2.5 frames per second, a self-timer, and an exposure compensation function. The camera is powered by two AA batteries, which are easy to replace.Overall, the Nikon F-301 is a solid and reliable 35mm film camera that is well-suited for photographers of all levels. Its compact size and versatile exposure modes make it a great option for everyday use, while its ability to use a variety of lenses expands the creative possibilities for users.

Productphoto camera
FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Nikon F-301 below.

How do I load film into the Nikon F-301?

To load film into the Nikon F-301, first ensure that the camera is turned off. Open the camera back by sliding the latch on the left side. Insert the film canister into the film chamber, aligning the protrusion on the canister with the notch in the chamber. Pull out a section of the film leader and insert it into the take-up spool. Close the camera back and advance the film by turning the film advance lever clockwise until it stops.

How can I adjust the exposure settings on the Nikon F-301?

To adjust the exposure settings on the Nikon F-301, you can use the aperture-priority mode or manual mode. In aperture-priority mode, rotate the aperture ring on the lens to select the desired aperture value. The camera will automatically set the corresponding shutter speed. In manual mode, rotate both the aperture and shutter speed dials to manually set the desired exposure settings.

How do I focus using the Nikon F-301?

To focus using the Nikon F-301, look through the viewfinder and adjust the focus ring on the lens until the subject appears sharp. The viewfinder has a split-image focusing aid and microprism collar, which will assist you in achieving accurate focus.

What should I do if the film advance lever on the Nikon F-301 gets stuck?

If the film advance lever on the Nikon F-301 gets stuck, it could be due to various reasons. Firstly, ensure that the camera is powered on and the battery has sufficient charge. If the problem persists, gently try to advance the lever while lightly pressing the shutter release button. If the lever is still stuck, consult a professional camera technician for further assistance.

How can I rewind the film on the Nikon F-301?

To rewind the film on the Nikon F-301, first, ensure that the film counter displays "S" or "E." Next, press and hold the rewind release button located on the bottom of the camera while rotating the rewind crank in the clockwise direction. Continue turning until you no longer feel resistance, indicating that the film has been fully rewound. Open the camera back to unload the film safely.

Is the manual of the Nikon F-301 available in English?

Unfortunately, we do not have the manual for the Nikon F-301 available in English. This manual is available in -.

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User manual Nikon F-301 (32 pages) (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.